Monthly Archives: July 2018

Teaching at Scale with Clickers

Computer science is wildly popular at Universities right now, owing in no small part to the robust job market for CS graduates. This market is driven by the voracious appetite of businesses and the public for “tech.” A consequence of increasing CS popularity is the substantial growth of CS course sizes.  Such growth presents a significant challenge to instructors of those courses, as the number of CS instructional staff have generally not scaled linearly with the number of students. How can we teach many more students with roughly the same number of instructors but without a (substantial) reduction in overall quality? One part of my answer to this question is: “clicker” quizzes.

I recently blogged about CMSC 330, the undergraduate programming languages course I (co-)teach at the University of Maryland. That post focused on the content of the course. This post considers the more general question of how to deliver a computer science course at scale, focusing on the lecture component and a key piece of my approach: the use of clicker quizzes during class.  I’ll consider other aspects of large course management — student Q&A and grading — in a future post.

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Filed under Education

Teaching Programming Languages

I often have the pleasure of teaching UMD CS‘s undergraduate programming languages course, CMSC 330. Taken by every sophomore in our program, it has evolved into a pretty interesting course, and I find myself talking about it with various people I meet. As such, I thought it might be worth writing down what it’s about, in case others might also find the course (or elements of it) interesting or its materials useful. (Most of the course’s materials — lecture notes, projects, exams, homeworks — are freely available at the course homepage.) There is too much to say for one post, so I’ll break it into three parts. This post covers the overview and first 1/2 of the course, and the second post will cover the third quarter, and the last post will cover the last quarter while also making some broader connections.

Programming languages bubble chart

Programming languages galore!

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Filed under Dynamic languages, Education, Functional programming